What is an Educational Evaluation?
We provide evaluations for:
We believe that all have the capacity to learn, to achieve, to excel.
When someone begins to have difficulty in school, college, or in the workplace, there is usually a reason. Rich Educational Consulting's diagnostic team of specialists can not only help you find the cause, we can design interventions to help support your success. Whether it be for school accommodations or program placement, our evaluations are designed with you in mind. We don’t use just one battery. We look at your concerns, presenting problem, and what you need, and we create an assessment around that. Our reports are more than scores. They are designed to present a whole picture of the learner and our feedback session ensures that you thoroughly understand the results. We use the most up to date methods for qualifying students according to Federal, State, and school district guidelines, including an analysis of strengths and weaknesses and Cross Battery assessment
We also conduct brief assessments, updates to testing, Autism, ADHD, Emotional/Behavioral, Executive Function, Social Language, Dyslexia, and traditional psycho-educational testing.